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December 31, 2010


jenny Deacon

Just back in Bristol after a very straight forward journey, lots of help with suitcases from Brent! Thanks Julian and Amanda for a lovely time, lots of inspiration from Julian and great food. Amanda. Can't look at a landscape for itself any more, all I see is light and shade, colours and lines. Can't wait to get my paints out. Jenny and Lucy xx


Wonderful photos and lovely landscapes and lots of happy smiles shared by art lovers what could be more magical to view , perks up my day.

Jo Masterman

Xin Nian Kuai Le!
Enjoying an amazingly warm (read anywhere from -10 to +10) CNY here in Beijing. Keep looking at your web page to keep warm! Oh! And to be inspired!
Looking forward to June.


Happy New Year to all at Tuscan View.

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