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August 25, 2009


David Jones

White Speedos.
When I saw the title, I was afraid... I half expected photos of Julian in a speedo. Thank God.
I so appreciate your entries and photos. Makes me what to retire, move to Umbria and paint, too. As always, brilliant.

nyc/caribbean ragazza

belle foto.

Regarding white speedos if Idris Elba or Gennaro Gattuso are wearing them, then that is okay with me. ha


There certainly is art even in the freshly cut fields of grain. Since getting my digital camera a few years ago, I'm seeing things from a different perspective. Love your photos, especially the one of the evening view from the house.


I was in Sarasota, Florida in June and saw men in Speedo thong briefs. I made a remark to a friend in Italy, telling him I was a little shocked and asked "You don't wear these do you?". His reply - a short, brief "Yes" and no word from him the rest of the day. Oh dear.

Fern Driscoll

Speedos have never done much for me - so few have the kind of body that they look really good on. Your photos of the fields are exquisite, like wood grain indeed.


I often thought how do those Italian men have that amount of self confidence to squeeze them selves into those speedo's. Sadly my 79 year old uncle Pino chose to reveal how and his splendorous physic when I last visited Sicily two years ago.We have photo's as well.
Moving on ,Julian your first photo reminds of a description I read somewhere about Avalon.Mysterious and floating in a mist beyond the horizon.
Maybe its the cook in me ,but I see a tabletop of golden toasted bread crumbs and parsley awaiting some cheese to made into croquet s!

Judith in Umbria

Sono squisite,le foto.


I am relieved ( for Amanda's sake) that white Speedo's don't do it for you. I actually thought that that top photo was travertine at first. It is the same here, a brief respite, and then back to planting.

I am also a country girl, preferring mountains and fresh water to sand, salt and sea. Piu suggestivo, seconda me.

Greetings from the north.


ti ricordi di dire ad Amanda dei calzini di Martina?! eh!eh! Graaaazie.

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