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August 11, 2009



Wouldn't it be great to interview this dear soul for a living history piece...your photos seem to have captured him and his world. An apprentice would be just perfect to continue his legacy. My friends in art conservation at Winterthur Museum would love to know this man...perhaps when I am there in several weeks we can setup a connection.....


I wish I could be there and glean all I could from his experience. I also am an artist, working with gilding, tempera, plaster, etc. Hopefully he will pass on some things to you. These things cannot be lost, but must be shared for the next generation. It is imperative!


What a fascinating shop and story. The sad part is, in a generation people will be again looking for that man's wisdom and skills and they will have been lost. Appreciation for real skills cycles, but it will return again. If you can't apprentice for me, perhaps you know someone who could?


There aren't many workshops like that left!


Fascinating story - you should return to show your true interest and if something more should develop, well no harm, right?

Am considering taking your beginners course next fall, so will stay in touch.

Michele Lee

Sad to hear that his talents will end with him. But what a dream to have lived! And what a dream for you to have learned.

Linda of Ice Tea For Me

It's a shame all that gentleman's knowledge and experience will disappear with him. Love the photos.


Two sad tales , the first that a masterful artist such as Ghirlanadaios Adoration that no one thinks to display in a prominent church or gallery,however it is under the watchful gaze of the Church of Santa Trinta[ Holy Trinity} father ,son and holy spirit not bad company I'd say.Maybe its meant to be seen by true appreciative s who like you found it none the less.
As for the old master and his workshop that in it self was photographed like an old dutch painting , the light coming in from the left, illuminating his wall of tools and works and secret caches of mixed paints. Lovely.
I hope you have an opportunity to go back and acquire some of his knowledge before its lost forever.


That poor old bugger, bet you he packs up his shop early when he sees you coming next!

Only joking, lovely story, one I typically and sentimentally will sob over when I get home from work today. Cannot wait to see all these places :)

PS, i've linked to your website (artistinitaly) from my site...hope it brings you some more hits!

erin :: the olive notes

this is fascinating! you should so be that guys apprentice. I always learn really fun art facts from you that I missed in school.

...miss you guys! Hope you're doing well.


what a fabulous opportunity to learn about tempera painting.

Anne A

A wonderful photo, as you say, tells lots of stories.

I feel sad for him, that no one in his family is going to take over ...what a shame for eveyone around too!

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