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May 03, 2009


Wrought Iron Doors

The corkboard is a fantastic idea. I have been saving corks from bottles of wine we had had but have been waiting for a great idea to use them in. I will probably frame mine in wrought iron to add a little more of a Tuscan feel to them. Thanks for the idea!


Souper stuff, great art work, nice life!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

Oh my goodness LOVE that corkboard!!!!!! What a special item to have from your dad :)


The pictures your first students painted and sketched are simply wonderful. Souper!

Credit to the teacher and to their talents as well.

Fern Driscoll

The paintings and drawings are lovely - as is the soup. And the cork board - well, that is in a special class all its own - you're generous to share the story.


Wo bist du?!!!!

I am not impressed, come on bloggers! :)

Judith in Umbria

I am laughing, because I have been away 3 weeks tomorrow and thought I would look in on you. What's up? The same "sorry I haven't blogged much lately" post that was there when I left!
I can't comment from my Italian computer, so let's see if I can from here in DC.

Ian D Gestion

How much I would love to be standing at the window taking in the view of the cork board while drawing the soup and pinning aid memoires to the sweeping vista through the window. Quite marvelous!


What an experience, to be a student in your beautiful world. That soup looks and sounds amazing!

Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese

Cara Amanda,

Nice to have you back in virtuality! What a wonderful "anecdote" about the cork board. Of, course your father would have been thrilled. And for you - a memory,a daily treat. Like the soup photo. Love veg. soups. Happy for your Artiturismo success! Bacione, Ingrid in Umbria


we missed your posts...but so happy to read you again!everything you've made is wonderful!


I love the cork board. Your dad..wow! What can I say. Good to see you back. You were missed xox

nyc/caribbean ragazza

Glad to hear the first session went well.

I agree that the work by your students is beautiful.


I'd forgotten the soup looks yummy, I have put it on my list to make for my friend Peggy when she comes to dinner next week as the starter.
She loves zucchini!


At last we hear what's been afoot, so glad to hear you are very busy that's a great sign,I am content that all is going to plan as you had both hoped.Your hard work and sacrifice is paying off.
The cork board is lovely and endearing ,that it was made by your father makes it irreplaceable, for each day a new memory of him and your life together springs forward when you take a key.
I have a magazine rack my father made ,he too is gone physically but never from my heart or mind.


the zucchini soup will go well with the bean bruschetta! :) Love the cork board, it's beautiful and practical. Your dad was a natural repurposer...

I am sure that you are feeling the sense things falling into place with the students producing and flourishing. It starts to all come together when people come and complete the circle. Enjoy.


The cork board is lovely. Great idea with a touching story. And that soup!!! It's going on my list, Amanda.

Sara, Ms. Adventures in Italy

I love that cork board, too! Especially since in my house my OH is always misplacing his keys.


I was hoping everything was ok over there... glad to hear things are going well. We've missed you!

erin :: the olive notes

oh, this soup sounds wonderful....must try it :)

Anne A

I wondered where you were...How fascinating is the Cork Board, I love it, and the story behind it...Just look at the pictures by your students, they are amazing :-)

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