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December 01, 2008



Ah, yes. This is an Italian lottery board. You remember the short story, "The Lottery" don't you? Every year they pick a number and the people that are that age get the axe! It looks like they've already done away with everyone over 69! brrrr! Very eerie, indeed.
Merry Christmas!! haha


It's a fantastic photo. I love it, but I'd also love to have the real thing! Wouldn't that be beautiful?

Can't help thinking that if the Uffizi lowered the price - say 30 euros maximum - they'd have enough people to run the tour once a day and still make a profit!

amanda nightingale

OK OK. I admit it's probably a tombola/bingo thingy, I was just hoping it was for something else more weird and exciting. Although, come to think of it, tombola is quite weird and exciting!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

Excellent photo indeeed. Tombola!


I was going to say it looks like you can choose your own street address and take your number home with you, but tombola makes more sense.

I guess with the corridor, you still have to be royalty not to have to walk with the peasants!!


Tombola...Bingo... you need a velvet bag the Wooden numbers and paper cards its played immediately after all the food for Christmas dinner is done and the dishes have been put away ...Its coffee, biscotti and tombola.
Julian IN the US of A every thing is done on a large scale. The Bird the pie the mashed potatoes the yams the collard greens the Peppercorn squash it goes on and on that is why most men pass out in a stupor on couches and watch football games with their pants undone and unzipped...Its the start of the holidays. Not much better up here in Canada.

Brit' Gal Sarah

That is so fascinating about the corridor for the Medici's, I had never heard about this before. But oh my that price is crazy!


regardless of what it is... it's a great photo. A framer!

Judith in Umbria

It looks like every old tombola board I have ever seen. You get to play along as soon as you are 60.


The image looks like a public bingo (the Italian Tombola) played traditionally during winter holidays. This is probably the ancestor of the electronic screens..more eco friendly too!

Julie Prichard

I wonder if that is a board that they use to show "called numbers" in a Bingo hall.... what ever it is it is fantastic!

nyc/caribbean ragazza

I will be coming back for answers especially to question number two. I curious what that could be.

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