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December 09, 2008


michelle of bleeding espresso

Thank you for getting told off...at least we got some great photos out of your persistence and creativity.


I walk past the Bargello so often and still have not been in there. You have motivated me to go now!


I love the Bargello. What a fabulous museum. Too bad about the photo policy; I think it's rather stupid, too. Nice try, though ;)


You've got me on a gripe too now. Why is it that you can't find a postcard of that little object that was your favourite?

Probably because the same 1965 postcard chap didn't consider it famous enough.

Brit' Gal Sarah

Oh I do wish you could have got a piccie, I have always loved this statue, nice ceilings though


Do Not feel bad about being caught with your lens down so to speak or was that up?
Any how, my son was also told off in the Museum were another David was on display and we were not allowed to photograph, , I told him to use his cell phone, he was then told off by security then his momma told the guard off.My Big Faux paux! No 29 year old needs his mom to defend him.The ceiling shots were lovely somewhat reminiscent of the ceilings in a book I am reading the Pillars of the Earth.


Ah it makes me want to go back even more! Doesn't look like I will be able to this New Years :( Will be on my list for next year's stop off.

And my Hasselblad looks like yours! (yes I have one, bet you didn't think that I would!) What series is it? I am working on a project using it at the moment. If I only I could go back to developing them myself :( Expensive using a Photographic shop!

nyc/caribbean ragazza

Bellissima photos. I haven't been to that museum. It's on my list.

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