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November 04, 2008



I just saw your wonderful video on the Bleeding Expresso blog and came over from Michelle's to see your blog afterward. The video made me want to revisit Tuscany soon -- just lovely!


What a great friend is Rupert who was willing to come to you in order to make cinematographic history.Enabling Martio to shine and the masses to then book and converge on the school. Happy in the knowledge they will have an excellent teacher, learn new art techniques and enjoy a fabulous surrounding to boot.I'm sure { Marito} appreciated all your hard work as his posse with out pago.Hopefully the paparazzi will not now coming looking for him.
The recipe for the pumpkin penne pasta looks yummy, I will try it Sunday night.
I wish you both great success on the film video,
Could it be posted on U tube as well for even more exposure, if that's an idea your comfortable with.

Ice Tea For Me

How exciting to have a professional video done, can't wait to see it.

The recipe sounds fabulous.

Amanda @ A Tuscan View....

Erin! Do you need to ask? Woohoo! Yippee! That's what we think.

erin :: the olive notes

oh wow! I CAN'T WAIT to see this! How fun...and perfect timing.

I love the photo from San Miniato!

so on another subject...what do you think of our new pres? :)

Michele Lee

I can't wait to see the video. I am sure you all did very well. Thank's for sharing


I'm so looking forward to that video and perhaps even the mini series.


Reading that recipe I could almost taste it. You have made me hungry. You inspire me to do something special with my pumpkin!


Sounds like a deliciously exciting life you lead!! Thank you for sharing a slice!


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