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November 11, 2008


This Time Now

I was telling a friend of mine about another Italian blog and came across yours and I must say that I love your blog more. I know that it's not pc to say that, but I don't like being pc. I've lived in europe for a combined 10 years and counting (France and Sweden) but one of my dreams is to spend one year in Italy totally focused on my photography, honing my culinary skills and of course, becoming fluent in Italian. The video I've just witnessed was just lovely, I commend you and I hope to see more.

Make it a great day!
Felicia, This Time Now, and This Time in Seoul


Beautiful video! Out of curiosity, are you left-handed or right-handed, that is, which are the scenes that were flipped?

Kay de Lautour Scott

"Ditto" to all of the above. Very professional but relaxed, warm and friendly. Certainly very inviting and I am sure you will do well.

For a moment there I thought you were taking us "around the corner" to my favourite building in all of Italy, Giotto's bell tower. Next video, please?


I really loved this video. Came across it and your site by accident. I can't draw a stick figure, but your video has made me want to try. Wonderful!


Bellisimo! Inspiring! My girls gave me a new set of watercolor paints for Xmas. All I need now is the money to get there.


Bello e invitante, un promo-video che rispecchia la realtà! Approvato!


I loved the video --very well done and the scenery was spectacular. I love how you pronounce "Renaissance " -- so different from my NYC accent.

Ice Tea For Me

Amanda/Julian ~ your butcher is getting a lot of comments over on Bleeding Espresso's website. A star is born!

I said I'd pop over to your site and ask if he's single; just following through.

I posted before but I did want to reiterate what I said on Michelle's site. Italy would be smart to hire Julian & Rupert to make travel videos to promote Italy and tourism. The video was so very well done.

Linda at Milanese Masala

Just saw the video on Michelle's blog. Gorgeous!! Makes me want to come and visit even if I can't draw anything except stick figures. I'm going to send the link to all my friends.


A great video! Very relaxed and very inviting! Oh, and inspirational too! Complimenti a tutti!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

I *love* this. Just. Wow.

Would love to feature it in a post on my blog if that's OK with you?

Julian @ A Tuscan View....

I promise not to let all those kind comments go to my head, and must remember to remove the gold star from my studio door, which seems to be annoying my wife.
Thanks a lot everyone.


Bravissimo Julian! very well done.... lines? It did not sound scripted at all.


I am selling my place and moving in with you guys.

I will let you know when I have gotten a decent offer so you can prepare my room and acquarel paints. D'accordo?

You have a second career making intersting, beautiful travel videos of Italy with your friend Rupert.

Well done. Very well done.

Freedom of Stitch

Though new to your blog (& painting) I was completely seduced by your style (relaxed, humorous, informative, HONEST)--and of course the beautiful setting! As such, the video plays as a natural extension of the blog's atmosphere--the countryside seems lush and rich with subjects, the house setting is quite intriguing, and you come across a confident and accomplished teacher who is both an encouraging presence and a strong leader. So, BRAVO! Very well done!!

karen cole

So.......I read the comments first. I feel that people ALWAYS say nice things in blog comments, because it's good manners and if they don't comment, it's because they thought it was stupid or awful. I saw that everyone had said such wonderful things and decided that I would really try and find something that you did poorly, so I could be honest and help you out.

Well.......I thought it was a GREAT video as well. The only thing I wondered about later, was the accommodations (rooms, food). This video is a great way to whet the appetite though and they probably will contact you for more info anyway. Your house is spectacular. Next time I will meet you guys at your place :-) You truly came across as someone that knows his stuff and would be an excellent person to not only teach a great class but be an excellent tour guide as well.

It really was perfect. I think you can put it on the website and be proud.


sheeesh...it's BEautiful! A perfect little travelogue...get it out there, they will come...

someday, it is on my LIST!!

Ice Tea For Me

Excellent promo video. I hope your art class/studio is a huge success.


I am dying to deflate your now enormous ego from all the nice comments ;) so I will say that the beginning reminded me a little of the Last of the Summer Wine...only joking... It was fab, very much how I expected as you always were a great teacher/speaker. Well done, you should be proud! If only I could afford to attend sometime soon...unless you offer substantial discounts to past wonderful students??! :)


Really good and interesting! I think Rupert could be onto something. He could put together a whole load of little films, showing the diversity of different expats lives in different parts of the country. It would be a hit!

nyc/caribbean ragazza


It does everything a great ad is supposed to do. Draw (no pun intended) you in and give you information.

I agree with the other comments. This is very professional and more interesting than a certain travel show.

I can't draw at all but it does look like a great place to write.


That is absolutely wonderful! The movie is so professional and so inviting. Great job. I am an Italophile at heart so seeing this just makes me want to visit more. No doubt it will be a major success for your website!


Are you kidding me? This is so wonderful! Will you two adopt me? (please?)


You make it seem quite idyllic. I really enjoyed it. Change nothing!

Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese

I´m new to your blog, blogging from Portaria, Umbria. Have to comment on your video. Publish! It has all the charm of the Chiusi countryside, colours, music, your espressed love for the area. This would attract anyone! Bacione, Ingrid from Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese


I'm gobsmacked! Not one negative word to say - and you know I would (privately of course). Everything is excellent - even the music. Lovely, lovely.

Michele Lee

The video is lovely! I thought, there for a few minutes, that I was watching something on the travel channel. You have done a wonderful job.....makes me want to come and take a class!

erin :: the olive notes

YAY!!!! BRAVO!!!

encore, encore. What a great promo video!


Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous, I'm ready to move in. I would so love to visit this area. One week in Rome was not enough of Italy for me. Oh wait, and that one afternoon in Apricale. OMG, you are so lucky and I hope your business does great.

Jessica from Too Tall for Italy

Wow that was a great video! Very professional looking! I really want to save up and come for one of the courses. It looks like just the place to get me motivated to paint again.

Brit' Gal Sarah

WOW! Seriously wow...for the first few seconds until I saw you, I honestly thought you had hired a pro' presenter. You have a wonderful speaking voice, with great cadences and you come across so well on film. This was as good as any snippet I have seen from the travel shows like Steve 'what his names' Europe. Beautifully filmed, showing just enough to wet the appetite and including a big draw like Florence.

Wonderful, now I am off to email it to my 'painting' mum, she seriously needs to consider one of your courses.

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