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November 02, 2008



Wow, those images just draw one in!


Your tribute blew me away. Minimal, beautiful, simple, powerful. Memories, dreams, love.

Thank you for stopping by my blog for the tour. I appreciated your kind words.



lovely photos; three completely different hearts. all amazing in their own way!

Mother Henna

Wow wow wow, these are so beautiful. Dreamy. I could spend a day having tea and taking them in, seriously. Thank you for sharing them for Day of the Dead. And thanks for stopping by my exhibit, too. So very interesting to emeet you and read about your life and work. I've been dreaming recently about a trip to Italy. Just discovered my nona had a sister who was a nun in a convent way up north in a little fishing village. It got me to wondering if maybe there would be records at the church there about my family. Anyway, going to check out your painting holidays site now!


Such beautiful images--the kind that draw me in and beg me to stay for a while--thank you so much for a lovely tribute.


Beautiful photos and thoughts.
Thank you for your visit :)


oh my, your images are so hauntingly beautiful! thank you for the visit, i am so very happy to met you!


Arresting images. Beautiful tribute.


These images are gorgeous..quiet , stong and ethereal..an amazing combination. Happy dia de los Muertos to you in Italy (so lucky!!)


What a beautiful tribute!

I am so happy to meet you and discover this marvelous blog. Long ago, one of my sisters was an exchange student to Italy and when school was over, she refused to come home. Now I know why! I will be back to visit.


Beautiful objects. I like the heart with the little skeletons all over it. Are those engraved into the heart? And I've always liked the imagery of the heart on fire. And that statue has such a sadness to it, doesn't it? Thank you for sharing in the Dia de Bloglandia.

Julie Prichard

really beautiful photography!


Amanda and Julian,
oh...these images are so very beautiful...such a lovely tribute.

thank you so much for being part of Dia de Bloglandia...



achingly beautiful,yet so simple in their presentation, very moving to pay homage to a a friend.

My Mélange

Simply lovely.




Beautiful. Very beautiful.


Oh, my.
I just checked out the artist.
What a moving tribute. Thank you for sharing.


How beautiful. Thank you for the introduction. I'm going to go google, now. I hope to see more.


I love your sacred hearts!!!!!!!!

Kate I

These hearts are just lovely and a perfect way to remember your friend. I've been perusing your website and remembering my Tuscan holidays...and dreaming of the day when I can come to Italy to study art. I'm bookmarking your site!


just beautiful and meaninful. Thank you.


both images are quite lovely, but I really, really like the first one a lot. :)

Happy Dia de los Muertos!


(I am on my bloglandia Journey)

Beautiful pics. I too sneaked a peak at your other posts. I must say, Italy and New York are the only places that I feel closest to God. :-)

Yoli Manzo

rachel whetzel

they are both so pretty!! Thanks!


Short but sweet :D great images, Juliet

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

Simply gorgeous.

karen cole

That first heart is just beautiful. So nice of you to think of your friend and remember in this way.

I almost forgot about Italy for a minute there :-)
I read your last few posts and day dreamed for a few moments. Thank you.

Love the painting. So detailed and elegant.....and Montepulciano....mmmmmmm, you ran out of wine??????

it's a perfect day for me to peruse blogland. I had my left knee repaired a few days ago and must sit......I'm going crazy!

Hope you are both well.


Do Italians have anything similar? I know most of the Dia de los Muertos traditions come from the mix of cultures but I just wondered. Beautiful images by the way.

Lisa Oceandreamer S.

hearts are always the perfect remembrance.

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  • Artist in Italy
    We run painting holidays from our house on the border of Tuscany and Umbria. Find out more on our website.
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