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November 18, 2008



We've had our fair share of Fiats over the years.... my dad is actually a mechanic and his shop used to be a Fiat dealership, there are still old Fiat lockers in the basement and some signage.... I think a pony is more reliable.:)

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

Ooh I want a pony!

Or a Fiat.

Hmm...you're very good at subliminal messages.

karen cole

I'm sitting here smiling, thinking of you waiting for the right light.

Bloggers and their cameras.....sigh. Isn't life grand.


This is really a gorgeous shot. I was struck by how gorgeous signs like that look when we spent an afternoon in Torino.

Diana--thanks for the shoutout!

nyc/caribbean ragazza

Great photo. I really like the new Cinquecentos.

Good luck with the pony obsession. :)


Don't want to worry you, but I'm older than Maryann and I still haven't grown out of it. Your children (all three of them) will thank you forever.

Brit' Gal Sarah

This is the woman who the neighbours saw lying in the leaves in her yard for almost an hour, just to get the perfect picute...I so understand!

Amanda @ A Tuscan View....

Very funny Maryann! The adoption process here can be very lengthy, I'm afraid by the time it comes through you will be too old to ride!!


After you adopt me, can I please have a puppy? ..and a PONY???..please? haha

Amanda @ A Tuscan View....

Just to clear one thing up, we are not now, nor never will be, buying a pony! Never, never, never, never, never.

Diana, we love that blog! I hope you're watching 'Top Chef' too.

Erin, you have 'the eye'.

Ingrid, thank you, he has 'the eye'.

Anne, take it from me, sometimes he is a buffoon!


The Fiat sign is great. (of course the lighting is perfect but I expected no less) It is all very masculine and defined -- much more so than the actual cars....

As a typo dude, you might want to check out the blog "Arial is not Helvetica" on my blogroll. Elizabeth is young, a talented writer, was my guest and is obsessed with typography, and is starting to turn me into the same kind of person, which kind of worries me.

Nice job with the ponies. That will be a gift that keeps on giving. Auguri!


Signs for men whether Italian or British or Canadian must be large and imposing.. Come IN ..Manly men work here and we know what were doing.As always other men believe them.

As for young girls falling in love with ponies you are doomed for at least 6 years or more.My daughter adored them and had a collection of toy horses and ponies that overflowed her room, it's a right of passage for girls.Every fair she went to it was Pony or horse ride and then everything else.Enjoy....its easier than when they become boy crazy!Oops.

erin :: the olive notes

hey! I recognize that sign :)

Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese

You really got it right. Wonderful shot! Bacione, Ingrid from Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese


I wouldn't say you are a baffoon...just someone who likes things right!!

Oh yes now your children will drive you "pony" mad!!!

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