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October 22, 2008


New Timberland

So cute! I already like you on FB and also get your posts on Google Reader. :)


As usual, showing off!:) Beautiful illustration/watercolour? I am obsessed with plants/flowers also. But mainly photographing them...don't think I have the patience to paint them. One day when I can afford to visit you I can get some practise in!

ps, I've tagged you.


Such a lovely virginia creeper illustration.
I'm fascinated by your blog.
We lived in Italy years ago and are thinking of returning.


I love this post!
Your self portrait, illustration (that vine is here in my yard in Maine as well!), link to a wonderful website, and your "stupidest thing".
All fabulous... thank you!


Found your blog by accident, and loved it so much, it spurred me to write the diary of our Tuscany renovation, If you have a mo' please check it out, any advice gratefully received. I've added you to my blogroll, hope you don't mind.


**So I’ve decided to do two things; firstly look the other way, and start to appreciate the changing landscape whenever I take the dog for a walk (while we pretend to look for truffles), and secondly get back to painting.**

I could have written that (changing the last word to "throwing pots". Maybe we should start an Italian renovation burn out support group. I so hear you. I love you blog, have seen it on so many other blog rolls, and I'll go put it on mine now.



It's payback time! You've been tagged. You know the rules - do with it what you wish.


Gorgeous illustration.

and kindness to kitties... sexy.


The Virginia Vine looks just beautiful. Astonishing really, at first glance I thought it was a photo. I love botanical drawings.

I do hope the kitten went home with you. I lost count of the strays in Greece that I fed, or took home, during the years I lived there.


Love botanical illustrations and yours is a beautiful example - wish I could attend your course next spring.

I also love the ones which give cross sections of the fruit, or berries and the way all the different plant parts appear on the page layout.


They should dedicate a Saint's day to the wheel-barrow. 'Santa Carriola - Saint Carry-all' will do.
I'm a sucker for kittens too.
Your offering is very life-like!


I am laughing at your self portrait and decription! I have this Virginia creeper turning this lovely color all over my yard...really beautiful drawing!


I do enjoy whenever you philosophize on inanimate objects , you have a way of making them seem as if they are forces of life.Yet it still may have some use before its retired.Your wheel barrel. As for not abandoning kitty to life of liquor and loose cats or lurking in alleys but giving it a home is just really nice guy stuff.Your Virginia vine looks darn good to me very life like.

nyc/caribbean ragazza

Carina. What is the new kitten's name?

Your offering is beautiful.


ooh looks like someone got a new kitten?? hope he/she brings you lots of love as they always do!

erin :: the olive notes

haha! I was just talking with Chris yesterday about the new addition :)

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