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September 06, 2008


Amanda @ A Tuscan view...

Ahhh! Football shmootball! Let's all go to the beach.


congrats on choosing a team, a word of caution be prepared to argue all points and mistakes on or about opposing teams with as much passion as possible while eating a cannoli and running with a glass of wine, and using appropriate hand signals as well.
Best of luck to your team.


Very good to support a local team, and Casalba's right you could be a Newcastle supporter as well.

Siena, Juventus, Newcastle...you choose!! :-)


I'm trying to stay away from it. The way the ultras are acting I feel I cannot support any team right now. I've vowed not to go to another game and I'm sticking to that.

Couple that with the fact that if watch calcio on pay per view you're giving money to Berli's Mediaset. It's a no win situation in my opinion.



The only team I agree to support is my son's - have just spent a fun Sunday morning cheering on him and all the other lads. Now that's the best side of the sport ...


You could be a secret Newcastle United supporter too.

nyc/carribean ragazza

Look forward to reading more about your journey into zee world of calcio italiano.

A friend promise to take me to a Roma game this season. Cannot wait!


Move that paper aside so I can see what you're drinking! ;)

Brit' Gal Sarah

Ok LOL, I have no idea where that 2nd comment came from me!

Brit' Gal Sarah

I thinsk a wise decision, at least you have a chance of getting a ticket. Football Italia cannot be ignored if you live there, they have a passion like the Brit's.

Across the pond I am trying to do the same with American Football, I think you're task maybe easier!

Amanda, thanks for dropping in today :-)

Judith in Umbria

But that's just so predictable!


Well Done, man! Apprezzabile la tua scelta del Siena, ma se avessi scelto la Roma avresti avuto un compagno di avventure...e la Roma gioca solo ad un'ora e mezza di distanza!!

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