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June 23, 2008



These are fantastic! I'm so happy to have found your site....I must stay and linger and take it all in!!



You did the risotto proud!


This is a beautifully written piece and a great idea for a risotto recipe - thanks.


I found your blog through a blog and wanted to say hello and what a lovely, descriptive piece! I have seen this flower display on the news once, but never in person. It looks amazing.


How fantastic, very beautiful.

We love this recipe


...amazing and very very tasty!!

Know it off by heart...

karen cole

Sorry i missed this one. It looks so beautiful.

Si, fa caldo!!!

I'm in Firenze. Our bus today had no air conditioning. We are on a business trip being taken on tours. I suppose things could be worse :-)

Mmmmmm good risotto.

My Mélange


These are beautiful works of art! Lucky you for being able to see that.

I pray for no wind ;)


This idealistic town with flowery works of art strewn over cobblestones , lovely photo's can't wait for the side bar when it 's set up .
Risotto is fab and literally as you said can have any thing added and its changes yet again into a whole different meal.

Ice Tea For Me

What beautiful art that brings family, friends, and village together.

On my next trip to Italy it will be my quest to taste and find a good risotto.

erin :: the olive notes

oh, how fun! What a beautiful tradition to see. How wonderful it must have been to experience. I can't wait to see the rest of the photos.

We became quite accustomed to making risotto during our time in Italy (with no oven), and we still haven't gotten tired of it :)


We saw an Infiorata in Montefiore dell'Aso for Corpus Domini. It's such a beautiful tradition, where the streets really do look like intricate tapestries have been laid out...but in flowers. So neat! And Citta della Pieve is so gorgeous I can imagine how lovely the day was.

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