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May 27, 2008



The comment you left on my blog...hahahaha!


at least you got him first.... you should have faked an injury soon after:)


As they say in the great annals of sports...don't mess with Jesus's nuts! The kitty's are too sweet and much be ca noodled as much as possible. I'm sure the girls are madly in love...

erin :: the olive notes

oh my gosh, if you have those kittens next time we visit, we may never leave ;)


O' Gesu', football flavours! Wait until those cute kittens use your legs to climb up!


when you're done with the kittens and the novelty wears off...i'll have 'em!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

May all my "stupidest things" be so cute ;)

And the nutmegging Jesus story certainly did not disappoint...now would you nutmeg the devil? Hmm....

nyc/carribean ragazza

oh the kittens are too cute!

How do they know Jesus wouldn't play like Gennaro Gattuso? I kid.


Well you foxed me. I was expecting either something culinary or religious. Never in a million years could I have guessed this to be about football.

BTW love the quirky names, glad to see you're doing your bit to keep up the image of English eccentricity.

Brit' Gal Sarah

LOL at the footy antics and OMG how adorable are those little kitties, love the names!


haha! You're too much! "nutmegging Jesus"...so funny.
The kittens are adorable :)

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