27th April 2008
Forget the bursting buds of Spring, forget the birds and the bees. For a sure sign that more clement weather is on the way check out this remarkable transformation.
It was with some trepidation that we took our beloved hound (one year old this week) for his first haircut warned, as we had been, by the vet that it might look “un po brutto”, (a little ugly) but, as temperatures started to climb, the hair had to go.
Just look at what a handsome and expressive face had been lurking beneath all that wool. At first he seemed more vulnerable and, strangely, slightly more intelligent however, after a brief identity crisis, he is now back to his normal stupid self and feeling mighty confident about his furry charms. Strutting his stuff down Chiusi main street with hardly a backwards glance at all the lady-dogs swooning in his wake.
Best thing I ate:
Bistecca alla Fiorentina
I am enamoured with my butcher. He has Al Pacino eyes and the lazy smile of a well fed wolf. I know he likes me and he knows I like him. Why? because we both like good meat.
Yesterday, when Marito was buying some bistecca (steak) and I was waiting outside with the dog (our noses pushed up against the window), ‘Big Al’ refused to cut marito’s steak thicker than mine, despite his protestations because, said Al, (gesturing towards me with his chopper), “I know she likes her meat!”
So… if you’re ever in Chuisi, and you require the services of a good butcher, you know where to go – 70, Via Porsena, Chuisi.
For a bistecca that’s butch and bloody with a salty crust, here’s how;
The steak (about as thick as your thumb)
Some olive oil
Sea salt, black pepper and a stem of fresh rosemary
A heavy frying or grill pan
Rub your steak all over with olive oil, use the rosemary to brutally brush it on, crushing the herb and releasing the fragrance. Grind the pepper over both sides and (controversial I know), a good grind of sea salt too. This gives a lovely salty crust to the meat.
Put a little more oil in your pan and get it nice and hot, (it must be hot for this to work), then slap in the steak and press it down into the pan, don’t move it about.
Let it cook for 2 minutes, then turn it over, grind a bit more salt over it and press down again.
Let in cook for 2 minutes more and it will be ready, (the faint hearted may wish to cook it for a bit longer). I sometimes add a couple of cloves of garlic, squashed in their skins to the pan, or throw in a little wine after removing the meat to make the beefy juices go a bit further.
Apologies to vegetarians. I like vegetables too, promise.
Oh, he's gorgeous! He seems very cuddly as well! He must be feeling so good with that new haircut, especially now that he is becoming a chick-magnet! And oh, he might love to have a bite of that steak. It might also make him feel "Macho."
Posted by: Rosalinda Ord | September 08, 2011 at 07:55 PM
Indeed he does look gorgeous. Our's have just suffered the indignity of the clippers too.
Posted by: Robyn | May 26, 2008 at 02:14 PM
ahh, he is lovely - and now you have that all needed excuse for a daily walk! Can't wait to meet him - will he and Molly be friends for ever too?? Mx
Posted by: Miranda Taxis | May 22, 2008 at 07:13 PM
"BAU BAU"! That means thanks everyone in Italian dog speak.
Hello and welcome to anyone new who turned up here, we love the comments each and every one.
Leslie, you need to ask me that question again in about 5 years time. Then I may have an answer because it's far too soon to tell yet.
Rowena, Thanks for the info. I love all that crazy stuff so I will try to check it out.
Karen, thanks for coming by, we are very nearly ready with our new website which will reveal all.
Ciao tutti
Posted by: amanda | May 10, 2008 at 12:30 PM
Ah yes, the delicious steak and the ever delicious butcher......hmmmm which one?
Thanks for visiting and your lovely comments. I am truly flattered.
In fact, I did an art workshop in Cortona in 2006 and will return this year for another in September ( I'll also be in Italy in June as well......probably just to eat....lots of ravioli...near Genoa where my mother in law is from.
I tried to find some info here on what you are planning to do as far as an art retreat goes, but I have not found anything yet. I'll keep looking. You certainly have the right location for inspiration!!!
Posted by: Karen Cole | May 09, 2008 at 10:19 PM
Al Pacino eyes? ok, I'm in!
Posted by: Maryann | May 09, 2008 at 02:38 PM
Hello, thanks for dropping by my site and leaving me such a nice comment. You look like you are enjoying my ideal life in wonderful Italy. Oh and your dog is adorable, I love his colour. I will be hanging around :-)
Posted by: Brit' Gal Sarah | May 09, 2008 at 02:30 PM
Hummmm... Now I wonder if my butcher likes me. Alfredo & I always compare notes & he definitely treats me better than him - how exciting! It's good to have an "in" with the meat-man. Good job, Amanda!
You pup-dog is adorable. I'll have to show him to my daughter when she wakes up. I'm sure he's cute no matter the amount of hair or lack of it.
tanti baci, Amy
Posted by: Amy B | May 09, 2008 at 02:29 PM
Less than an hour's drive?!? Oh my gosh Amanda you've just gotta go! It's crazy-emotional madness (like Siena madness over their Palio horse race), but instead of horses, 3 tall wooden "ceri" candles with a small saint on the top are raced around the streets of Gubbio all the way to the top of Mt. Igino! I have to concede that it looks like a crowded mess sort of thing, and I would probably never attend the event with the dogs in tow, but if you love this sort of cultural chaos...I would be so thrilled if you posted on it! It is impossible for us to go given the time of year. Anyhoo, here's the link:
Posted by: rowena | May 09, 2008 at 10:29 AM
Calling to my dog...[Maddie!!!! Come see how handsome this doggie is!] -- he does have a beautifully expressive face. And the butcher with Al Pacino eyes? Whoo!! There's an engineer with Al Pacino eyes at my husband's workplace. In a few days he's getting married.(!)
Amanda, about the cable car, we hopped onto that scary thing on a visit several years back. My husband is not fond of heights. This year we simply left the car at the funivia's parking lot and walked up to M. Igino for a bit of exercise. Will you both be attending the Corsa dei Ceri on the 15th of this month?!?
Posted by: rowena | May 09, 2008 at 09:55 AM
your dog is so cute! what's this about un po' brutto? :) he's such a little charmer :). -Jackie
Posted by: jackie | May 07, 2008 at 08:32 AM
I had to defend your handsome dog! See, he is no dummy. He posed for his picture!!
Posted by: diane romano | May 05, 2008 at 02:24 AM
Your steak sounds soooo tasty..we always add garlic and pepper to ours..yummy.
Leslie who left you a comment found you through me :-) thanks for the mention Leslie.
Posted by: Anne | May 03, 2008 at 06:46 PM
Hi, I found you via Anne. I was in Italy for a month in the fall of '06 and fell in love with the country. I'll be coming back to see how you're doing with the reno. Is it all as wonderful as it seems it would be to live there?
Posted by: Leslie | May 02, 2008 at 03:28 AM
He looks handsome both ways. I wonder what he must think of it.
Posted by: Anil | May 01, 2008 at 04:38 PM
Oggie Doggie looks quite swank and cute but he did even when he was disguised as a ball of wool.
The relationship one{being a woman} has with her butcher,should be just as yours. A touch of flirting some sly side glances and then a very gracious grazie after being served your order. Then saunter away.
Good butchers are hard to find,you should try and keep his location top secret.
i lost my favorite butcher Steve when he moved to another small town as our was getting to congested for his liking.He always cut the best veal shanks for my orso bucco, I miss him.
Posted by: Antonina | April 30, 2008 at 03:18 PM
I know which I have a crush on-- the dog! He is competing with Dermott for my heart. I already have a great butcher.
Posted by: Judith in Umbria | April 29, 2008 at 11:04 AM
I don't know who I'm more in love with... your butcher or your hound! This is a lovely post.
Posted by: Sally | April 29, 2008 at 08:55 AM
Oops, that should be "off my body hair" not "of my body hair."
And to think I actually proofread that.
Caffé please!!!
Posted by: bleeding espresso | April 29, 2008 at 08:49 AM
YUM YUM YUM. The steak, not the dog, I mean.
I wonder if I would look pounds lighter if I shaved of my body hair. I bet you're wondering just how much body hair I have now, aren't you? I'll never tell.
Posted by: bleeding espresso | April 29, 2008 at 08:47 AM
Your dog is very handsome.
That steak sounds so good. I have to find a good butcher in Rome once my household goods arrive from the States.
Posted by: nyc/carribean ragazza | April 29, 2008 at 07:27 AM