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March 10, 2008


Amy B

I love hearing about the spirit of your home - so true. Love the recipe! Thanks for sharing.

Tanti baci, Amy

P.S. My husband & I were married in Umbria - Civita di Bagnoregio in la Chiesa di San Donato

nyc/carribean ragazza

This looks amazing!!


Respect is due to all of you who run cookery blogs, I found it really tough to write out a recipe for something I cook almost without thinking. I can cook the pasta al forno in my sleep I've made it so often and I usually play around with the ingredients too, depending on what I have to hand (yes aubergine/eggplant is a great addition Joe). So it took ages to come up with definite recipe that someone else could follow. I hope it works out well for anyone who tries it.

Big thanks to Maryann and Marie for hosting the Festa Italia, I can't wait to take my place at the table and get stuck in!

Sally, our website is nearly ready so more about the painting courses soon. Watch this space.

Nell, your daughters course sounds great and we wish her lots of luck with it. Glad you liked the pasta.


How lovely to discover the centuries beneath the exterior facade, whose hands placed those stones how many did it take, their work and yours and Vlad's will converge together what it will become for now. The Pasta dish was divine my dear.
My daughter will be off to collage next September to study graphic art and computer animation at Sheridan collage of Ontario home of Pixar film graduates.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

Yum yum yum. Did I say yum?

Because yum.


This is fantastic! Thank you so much for this wonderful dish for out Festa, I'll be sure to dig into this!


Yum.... I saw your post and had to make some! It came out great. I added eggplant though. thanks! Joe


I love this dish! Wonderful and delicious! Thanks for joining us. I was hoping you would :)


You love that house, don't you? You must have been very excited to discover what was underneath.

I can't wait to hear more about the painting course.

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