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March 04, 2008



Thanks for all the good wishes folks.

PS Chris, we know you made that score up and we know how:)


21,950. That's right, 21,950.



Dear molgie Amanda, P.S
When a house tells you something it usually has had more experience over the years concerning what others have attempted to do , so yes do listen.


Happy Birthday to the small one may she smile from ear to ear all the days of this year!
It's a good thing you did put down those tools for the Sponge Bob square pants Paddie Panic game, think of poor Patrick if it were the Patrick Paddie Panic game, now say that 6 TIMES OVER.
I don't think also you should pay to much attention that Vlad character, after what is he doing out in day light anyway? As for the wife making of the cake and placement of cake near dog level let me just say, my brother who left my mothers 80th birthday cake on top of the garbage can lid while placing the cannoli's and almond cookies into the boot of the car, did one better!
take care.


I haven't yet checked out patty panic, but I assure you I will soon. I want to pass you another, one at which I am shamefully skilled (and somewhat addicted to): http://www.bumlee.com/deanimator.html

If you're game, bring it.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

Auguri to the wee lass! And when the building talks, I strongly suggest you listen.

erin :: the olive notes

I just love reading your entries...Chris and I always laugh together about them. Tartufo eats something in every post :)


Happy Birthday to your daughter.Many best wishes for the coming year!
The house is talking to you? buahahahahah!

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