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October 27, 2007



Around here they call that drink a Campari Cocktail. I like them both, Campari and Aperol, and since Aperol has a lot less alcohol, it's a good choice for a pre-dinner drink. But the taste of Campari is exceptional, I think. Visiting family often tell me "it's an acquired taste," meaning "blech". :)


Hello there, I just came across your blog through Conortje's.
Like Tracina I prefer my spritzer with Aperol. In Italian it's a 'spritz' with the emphasis on the i sounding like eee.


Hi! I love your blog, my husband and I stayed in Orvieto over the summer and we can't wait to head back next year! While traveling in Italy, I too longed to drink the fun red appertivo drinks, but couldn't stand campari, then in Padova I discovered that they also make drinks with Aperol, similar to Campari, but much better tasting, and it was that Aperol spritzer that we continued to have in Venice (Aperol mixed with Prosecco and a splash of soda water) We just ordered it as a spritzer and everyone seemed to know what we were asking for! But definitely try it!

Paolo De Paolis

Sorry to hear it is already winter in Italy, here in Provence we are still enjoying a balmy autumn!!


Fall in Italy, especially with your fire and ceci soup, sounds so wonderful. I don't know what I do without Campari! Really, when I have an upset stomach before dinner, a little of that with some sparkling water and I am all better. I'll have to try it with Prosecco next time - thanks for the tip.


We just had this at a friends house before dinner. We enjoyed the introduction...but I can't remember what it's called either :)

Farfallina...  Roam 2 Rome

I personally loved the fireplace! Darn, here we don't have one! But it's still warm outside, though :)

Fall weather has it's upside, doesn't it? Especially with a fireplace :)


haha..I understand your previous aversion to Compari. I was the same way. I found I enjoyed it with a little teaspoon of sugar, orange juice, and soda water.

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