January 13th 2007
It wasn’t just the four of us and our aging cat that moved to Italy, there was also my beloved olive tree.
It took a lot of hysterical persuasion to get the removal men to take my tree at all as they had no loading equipment - it was only the intervention of our local newsagent and the loan of his trolley that got the tree into the van, albeit somewhat crushed and bowed.
You see, it’s a special tree, not just because it was a generous gift from an old friend but, in moment of sentimental drunkenness, I tipped my half of my late father’s ashes into the enormous terracotta pot and wetted them in with half a bottle of Cava (he loved a drop of Cava).
Best thing I ate today;
Pure pork Tuscan sausages - the 'King of Bangers' - dense and salty, eat them with mash or polenta to balance it out
Where to get it;
Coop supermarket - Castiglione del Lago
The Olive Tree