December 17th, 2006.
After a very stressful journey, weeping children and back-to-back Disney cartoons, there followed a grim arrival in freezing fog and the nearest I’ve ever felt to a nervous breakdown.
However, after a few days we had managed to get the furniture in, the Christmas tree up, the presents wrapped and some food in the fridge. Our first guest was installed in the least chilly spare room and when we got the enormous fire going it felt really festive. All we had to do was sit back and wait for Santa, having reassured the children that both he and the tooth fairy knew our new address.
The best thing I ate today.
Hazelnuts - sold in the shell, ready for cracking, but here's the difference, these little babies have been pre-roasted so instead of a soft bitter nut, you get a sweet crunchy one. Much better.
Where to get it;
Pam - the Etruscan supermarket at Querce al Pino, 5km from Chiusi.