February 1st 2007
The other night I saw another boar sniffing about on the road in the estate ( this one was alive, thankfully), and seeing a creature like that is a bizarre and amazing experience. I also saw a porcupine for the first time, crossing one of the paths, his quills splayed like an Indian headdress. There are a couple of hares who play around our house and a family of pheasant who wander along avoiding the hunters around our outbuildings. The hunting is over now and so we can go into the woods without fear of being shot. Mio marito has turned his attention to the real business of why we’re here, setting up and running painting courses. He has meetings during the day with the architect and builder, and we spend evenings scratching our heads over the plans, moving walls backwards and forwards, trying to make sense of the building in order to accommodate both his studio and the apartments.
We have had to come to a bit of a pause with all our plans while we wait to find out what the house is built on; if it’s just clay that’s good, if it’s clay and sand that’s bad, and if it’s just sand we’ll be back in the UK by the Summer!
Best thing I ate today;
Porchetta - the savoury highlight of every Tuscan street market. Stuffed with salty fennel, and crackled to perfection. If you get there early, the hog will still be hot, and all the more delicious for it. eat in a panini or forget the bread and gorge on it straight out of the wax paper wrapper. Tip - don't forget the tissues to wipe your chin!
Where to get it;
The porchetta van at the market, you'll smell it before you see it...