December 15th, 2006.
We have handed the keys of our Victorian semi to its new owners, we have seen all our possessions begrudgingly crammed into a knackered removal van by two fat blokes we’ve never met and we have watched them drive away.
We have stuffed the car full of all the things they left behind, loaded in the kids, the cat and the cash and said all the goodbyes. It is suddenly really happening. We are really leaving England on our way to a new home/new life, I swallow hard and look out of the window at the cold and familiar English sky, it is almost dark and I can see the Christmas lights welcoming travellers to the channel tunnel.
It is approximately 926 miles to Chiusi.
The best thing I ate today;
Baguette au Jambon (avec frites)
Where to get it;
Any French Service Station